Month: May 2019

Decimat Number Line

This term in maths we have been working on decimals and where to place decimals on a number line. We had to colour in a decimal on a decimat and then write that decimal in a fraction and in words too. We also had to put our six decimals on a number line from 0 to 1. It was a challenge for some numbers but for others I new where to put them straight away. Over all it was a really fun maths activity.


Market Stall Poster

On Tuesday the 11th of June all the Year 5 students are hosting a year 5 market. We have made a lot of products from recycled matrials. Any money we raise is going to the JMB Foudation. We hope everyone is amazing on the day.


The first two weeks of APS has been awesome but tough at the same time. I am doing footy this term. So far our team has had a great start to the season. We have worked together a lot.

Our training sessions have also been fantastic. We all do the drills that the coaches set up really well and we all listen to the coaches. So far everyone has been happy with how we have played as a team.

You can already see that everyone is improving and learning of each other so quickly. I am really loving APS this term so far.

How has your start to APS been?

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