
The Elephant

They live in the a dry grassland environment and are the largest land animal alive. They weigh up to 5,400 kg and can be 3.4 metres tall. Meet the Elephant. 

The environment that the Elephant usually live in is called a savanna. Some elephants also live in forests and mountains too. Elephants look like humungous grey beasts with big floppy ears and knobbly knees. They have curved tusks as teeth but sadly some people hunt and kill Elephants for their tusks. They are also the only animal alive that has a trunk for a nose. 

Some interesting and weird things that Elephants eat are bark and juicy grass. They don’t mind eating thorns either as long as they have leaves attached to the thorns. Elephants use their trunks to carry food for themselves and for their younger ones and they can eat up to 140 kg of plants a day.

Elephants have a quite a few different adaptations. Elephants use their own trunks to spray themselves with water so they can keep clean. Their big ears help them keep cool and they use their tusks to protect themselves. Some behavioural adaptations Elephants have is when they come across remains of another Elephant they take a silent pause and the mother elephant uses her trunk to stroke her young.

Fun Fact: Did you know that the male Elephant can be extremely grumpy

Fun Fact: Did you know that the male Elephants fight for their group of Elephants and some times can kill each other. 

What is you favourite animal?

How well do you know your favourite animal?

Favourite Book

Title: The Boy, The Bird and The Coffin Maker

Author: Matilda Woods

Genre: The main genre was mystery because you never knew what would happen next, but it was almost even a fairytale because it ended in a happy ending.

Description of the Storyline: The boy Tito kept coming to The Coffin Makers house. One day when Tito came over the coffin maker caught but he wasn’t trying to scare him but Tito ran away. Then the coffin maker went over to his house and found him lying on the floor. The Coffin Maker let Tito stay with him. Tito’s Mum had just passed away that’s why he was coming to the coffin makers house for food. Then his Dad came  to the town and asked anyone if they had seen his son. Then he came over to the coffin makers house but they had already been told about him coming so they sailed away in a boat. 

Why I liked this book: I liked this book because it was so hard to stop reading it because you  really wanted to know what happens next. Another reason why this book was amazing was how it just turns so suddenly and that also makes it hard to stop reading it.

What is your favourite book you have ever read and Why?


The first two weeks of APS has been awesome but tough at the same time. I am doing footy this term. So far our team has had a great start to the season. We have worked together a lot.

Our training sessions have also been fantastic. We all do the drills that the coaches set up really well and we all listen to the coaches. So far everyone has been happy with how we have played as a team.

You can already see that everyone is improving and learning of each other so quickly. I am really loving APS this term so far.

How has your start to APS been?

Book Chat

My favourite genre of book is sport. I like this section because there is a lot of variety in this section and lots of different sports to choose from. I especially like Basketball, AFL and Cricket books. It’s great to read these books because you learn a lot of information from them and some of them have lots of different facts about the sport.

For Book Chat so far this year I have liked The Boy and the Spy. I really liked this book because there was so much action and a really good cliff hanger. The character description of the main character was excellent and it made me want to keep reading. The other book chat book I’ve read is The War That Saved My Life and everyone was saying it is so good but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would of.

What have your favourite books and genres been so far this  year?  

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