Something my family and I celebrate is when we go to Lorne which is on the Great Ocean Road. We go to Lorne every summer holidays after Christmas because my family owns a beach house down there. It is usually a two hour drive but sometimes it can get up to three hours if the traffic is bad. My family and I aren’t the only ones that stay down there. My Cousins, Aunty, Uncle and even my Grandfather comes down too since he owns the place.

Some things that I enjoy doing down at Lorne are going to the beach because I enjoy surfing with my brother and sister. I also like watching the older kids skate in the skate park because it is really cool watching them do all their tricks on their skateboards. 

A special memory I have at the time I’ve been down at Lorne was when I was doing Nippers which is a Life Saving Competition and I came first in every race and I was the Club Champion for my age group. I was so proud of myself for not only coming first but trying my hardest and having so much fun.

As much fun it is in Lorne it can get really hot which isn’t the most pleasant time of the year, but if you put that aside it is awesome in Lorne. Some other fun activities you can do are bouncing on in ground trampolines and playing mini golf with friends and family. There is also a lot of king parrots and we feed them bird seed which is also fun.

There is also a place called Erskine Falls in Lorne which is where you can climb rocks and look at the waterfall. My family also plays cricket on the beach and I always dive for a catch and hurt myself when I land on the sand and everyone laughs.